Turn nappies into Rewards and Savings with Pampers
I'll be honest – changing nappies isn’t exactly my favourite part of my day! I've genuinely changed 9 nappies today alone! But, Pampers have come up with a great way to turn the moment
when you spot that familiar #pooface into your favourite time of day...they’ve
recently launched an exciting new rewards app called Pampers Club – it’s free,
easy to use and guess what…it rewards you every time you buy Pampers! Hooray!
Here’s how it works:
For every £1 you spend on Pampers nappies or wipes, you’ll
receive 10 Pampers Club points with the app! You can register here (http://bit.ly/2cG0iv9) then all you need to do is buy your Pampers as you usually would, both
in-store and online, then take a photo of your receipt using the app, and start
watching your points grow!
To get you started, you’ll receive 500 bonus
points after scanning your first receipt!
You can choose
to exchange your points for different types of rewards and savings, and guess
what – there are things for both you and your baby! Rewards include everything from
Pampers coupons and toys, to a 3 month subscription to Mother and Baby
So now when you see that #pooface, you know that stocking up
on Pampers means more points, for more rewards!
I just wish they'd launched this sooner - I wonder how many Pampers we've bought over the last 3 years? A LOT is the answer!
We'll definitely be making the most of the new reward scheme here at Chez Bishop, that's for sure!
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