Sunday, 23 December 2012

Lucy's Homemade Christmas

Here's a selection of photos from my homemade Christmas! Majorly inspired by the wonderful Kirstie Allsopp's channel 4 programme 'Kirstie's Vintage Home', I have tried to hand make lots of presents, decorations and food for this Christmas.

Most of these are handmade by myself, but there are a couple I can't take credit for....the iced buns were made by my hubby (his speciality!) and the floral candle arrangement was made at WI in November by our speaker.

My friend from WI (Anwyn) challenged me to a 25 days of Christmas handmade challenge, where we have to post a picture of something we've hand made for Christmas onto our WI Facebook page, and although the 25 days aren't up yet, I think I'm almost there! :-) I hope you enjoy the pictures....

Merry Christmas to all my lovely blog readers!


Lucy xxxx

Tea for Two sets - china cup & saucers, side plates, homemade biscuits, and a box of tea bags.

My first attempt at paper cutting.

bit blurry! my tree

mince pie tartlets

citrus trifle
xmas floral table arrangement made by our lovely speaker at WI in November

mincemeat cupcakes with eggnog icing 

sausage rolls and asparagus twists

hubbys iced buns

my wrapped gifts under the tree - used doilies as 'snowflakes' on brown paper wrapping x

felt ring, in holiday red

Cath Kidston fabric heart 

fabric heart on my tree

my handmade christmas stocking

decopatch christmas tree

hand knitted rose brooches

book page heart garland

felt hanging star

hanging christmas stocking

hanging owl on the tree

hanging cat - love this, cute! 

giant hanging heart

hanging snowman

button adorned felt heart

L for Liam and Lucy :-) 

Clove studded orange 'christingle' stylee! 

felt owls, for christmas gifts 


x x x x x x

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Films...

So, its less than a week until Christmas, and I've started my yearly tradition of watching all my favourite  Christmassey films. I'm sure you've all got your favourite ones, and I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. Not all of my choices are traditional; however, they are a tradition for me nonetheless.

Here are my top 10 Christmas films....


This film instantly takes me back to being a small kid. I never ever get bored of this film. With a lovely Christmas message. I can't wait to watch this with my own kids!


You can't get much more Christmassey than this film! I think its one of those films which I think gets better with each yearly watch. Beautiful! And full of my favourite actors! 


Another lovely feel-good movie, such a cute story, with good-humour, and a lovely Christmassey feel to it - especially as some of it is set in Surrey, where I grew up! 


If you haven't ever seen this classic, then you must! Especially as its now been re-released in full colour. The archetypal Christmas film - with the ultimate festive message of family & appreciating all the marvellous things you have in your life. 


Although not particularly 'Christmassey' a good weepy love-story just has to be watched at Christmas time. I love the vintage charm, the beautiful Queen's English, and the exquisite fashion in this film. Stunning and timeless. 


This is a true girlie film - with an all star cast (Susan Sarandon, Clare Danes, Winona Ryder, Kirsten Dunst) this is a lovely feel-good Sunday-afternoon type film. No big story lines, or stunts, just a lovely little story about lovely Little Women. :-)


Okay, so this film might not be that popular, and is definitely a cringe-worthy Christmas movie, but I can't help loving it. Whitney is stunning, and sings like an angel, Denzel Washington is very young and very yummy - and thrown into the mix is Lionel Ritchie attempting to act...whats not to love?


So its a 'boy movie' and 'action' film - full of death and violence.....yes, all true. But there is something fundamentally Christmassey about this film for me. Maybe I watched it as a kid at xmas? Maybe I always remember the giant cuddly toy bear Bruce Willis buys for his kid for xmas...whatever it is, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a bit of Bruce! 


Another tear jerker! Nothing like a good weepy at Christmas to make you feel lucky for what you have.  This film is Chris Columbus (the director) at his best! Very funny, heart warming, heart-wrenching, and gives you that tingly feeling when you watch. Julia Roberts is stunning and very very funny - Susan Sarandon strong, hard and very brave. 


I can't get through Christmas without watching this. I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan, as is our whole family - My aunt was the Head of Make Up for all of the films, so we have a big link with all of the films in our family. The first one has a special place in my heart as me and my twin sister were actually extras in the film - so it brings back a lot of memories for me. 

So far I've watched: It's A Wonderful Life, Little Women, The Preacher's Wife, and Home Alone.

I still need to watch..... Harry Potter, Love Actually, The Holiday, Brief Encounter, Stepmom and Die Hard. I'd better get watching!! Some might have to wait until between Christmas and New Year to be watched. 

So...what are your top Christmas films? Do you share any of mine? Have I missed something awesome? I'd love to hear from you. 

And Merry Christmas! 

