Friday, 30 March 2012

My week in pictures...

I've been bang on with the walking, healthy eating, and drinking lottttsss of water...and I've lost 2lbs! Finally...a loss! I feel good and proud of myself for staying on track, and I plan to do lots of exercise this weekend, to counter-act the calorie-fuelled weekend we have planned! (Dinner party at my lovely friend Kerry's, and a trip to The Waffle House in St Albans with our friends Danni & Charlie...YUMMA!!!)

Excited that it's the last day of term today, holiday time!!! :-) Can't wait until 3:30pm!!!

Here's a few pics from this week... Some yummy granary bread that Liam made, some gorgeous olives I bought from Bedford market, a funny pic of my kitten at dinner time yesterday, and a mantra for my life at the moment!!


Let the holidays begin.....