Monday, 19 August 2013

Awaiting Our Arrival...

So today I'm officially overdue. 

40 weeks + 1 day and counting...

This is where the impatience kicks in & I realise that only 4% of babies arrive on their due date & although I've been focussing on this date for 9 months, I've now got to be prepared to be patient & wait for him to make his appearance. 

I'm pretty nervous about the impending labour... I think that's totally normal...I'd be weird or naive if I wasn't worried. I'm trying hard not to have any strong or definite expectations as such, I just want to be open minded about the whole birth process. 

What I'm hoping for....

•him to come naturally without an induction 
•to stay at home for as much of the early stages of labour as possible 
•to have an epidural to ensure no complications with my slipped disc during labour
•to have Liam and my mum there with me at the birth, and Liam's parents waiting nearby/outside! 
•I want to try to preserve my energy and not waste it on screaming/swearing/shouting too much  ... Haha I know this is easier said than done & I'll prob laugh hysterically when I read this post-birth!
•to be able to breast feed my little one once he's arrived. 

My birth "expectations"...

•am expecting a lot of pain! 
•a lot of boredom/waiting/frustration 
•to feel very hot & uncomfortable in the delivery suite (cue Magicool spray!) 
•to be frightened but will try my hardest to stay calm, and focus on what is the best way to get bubba out! 
•to be highly emotional & probably cry an awful lot! 

Apart from that I think it's best to stay open minded & just see what happens. At the end of the day I just want my healthy bubba in my arms & to get on with the new challenge of being a mummy! 

Liam is getting really excited too & I know he's going to make the most amazing daddy! He has recently started writing a very funny & heartwarming blog all about being a first-time daddy, and it's well worth a read - he is hilarious, honest & basically has the mental age of a 7 year old...check it out over at Child, Man Child 

Here's some pictures of my developing bump over the past 40 weeks to leave you with... 

wow....look how I've grown! 

My due date bump! 

from 8 weeks to 40 weeks ... what a change! 

I wonder if the next time I post I'll have my baby in my arms? Or will I be writing some more overdue frustration posts before then? 

Big bumpy hugs to all my lovely readers...

Mrs B xxx