Five years ago today I tottered nervously through Bedford town centre in my best dress and heels to meet a sweet guy who I'd sent a few emails to through the dating website Plenty of Fish, for drinks and dinner.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Five years on we're home owners, we're married, we have a cat and a beautiful son. Isn't it amazing how one decision (to go out on a date) can shape the rest of your life? It's quite unbelievable really...imagine if I'd known that night what that one date would lead to..!
I was in a pretty bad place when I first met Liam, I was still embroiled in a messy break up (my ex-partner was still living with me as we couldn't afford to go our separate ways until our flat contract ran out), I was suffering from a bout of pretty bad anxiety, and I was extremely down about my weight. The night I met Liam I didn't worry about any of those things - he made me feel beautiful, interesting, and safe. He has continued to make me feel like that for the past five years.
Within 4 months Liam had moved in with me and my ex moved out: within 11 months we were engaged, after 2 years 5 months we were married, Bert came along 3 years and 5 months into our relationship...and here we are 5 years on in total and we are strong and happy family unit.
In five years we have...
Hosted a Where's Wally themed party/got engaged in Paris/flown to Edinburgh/had a holiday in Rome/planned a wedding/been to Cyprus twice/started our own blogs/had weekends away in London/eaten at Gordon Ramsay's 'Petrus' restaurant/eaten at Heston Blumenthal's 'Dinner' and 'The Hinds Head' restaurants/bought a house/got our cat Pickle-Lily/Got married in Surrey/Liam learnt to drive & bought a car/We've had too many afternoon tea's to mention/had a weekend in Yorkshire/been to a swanky official BAFTA's party/had our baby boy Bert/Had the best roast beef at 'Simpsons in The Strand' in London for Liam's 30th and we've lost 11 stone 11 lbs between us!!!
It's been eventful!
Of course, there's been some bloody hard times too - when we lost our first baby to miscarriage on our honeymoon, it was absolutely devastating, but we supported each other, loved each other, and carried on as best we could - that experience has made us a stronger team, and made us appreciate what we have and how lucky we are to have been able to go on and have Bert.
So, I thought it would be fun to share with you some pictures of Liam & I over the last five'll notice quite a change in us.
Mrs B