Saturday, 28 May 2016

A new addition before our new addition...

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I was 39 weeks pregnant on Friday (27th May) and am now officially into the final countdown for our baby girl's arrival - eeek! It is so exciting and seems to be suddenly upon us as this pregnancy has truly just flown by! I feel like I've barely had the time to acknowledge I'm pregnant, let alone think too much about it! 

Mrs Bishop's 39 week baby girl bump
39 week mega-bump! Baby Girl Bishop will be with us before we know it, how exciting! 

This week has been my final full-on work week, and I'm now hoping to slow down and take it a little bit easier if I can. I have a few more jobs on my blog to do list, a few work admin tasks and a little bit more scheduling to do for work, but nothing major! I'm hoping to get in plenty of reading and crochet time over the next week, and just really try to enjoy these last snippets of time as a family with just one child. 

I'm well aware the next few months are going be a bit of a rude awakening for The Bertster - getting used to life as a big brother won't be easy: having to share his home, his parents, his stuff, probably won't be plain sailing - so we're trying to make the most of the calm before the storm, and prepare him as best as you can prepare an almost three year old for any big changes that are afoot. 

For us, we think that keeping his routine (not that he has a major one) as similar as possible, and ensuring he still gets lot of quality time and attention from us will be key to making this transition into life as a family of 4 a little easier (hopefully!) He has his favourite times of day at the moment, such as story time before bed and time to play with his dolls house in the afternoons, and we will endeavour to ensure they stay as a regular part of his day. 

I can't blame him on the dolls house front, it's pretty much still my favourite item in my whole house, haha! 

Mrs Bishop's Victorian Doll's House
Our glorious Victorian dolls house - with 6 rooms (two attic rooms in the roof you can't see in the photo), a hallway and landing space and working lights! 

Inside our beloved Doll's House lives a mixture of beautiful Sylvanian Families (which are just the right size for our house, hooray!) 

We have the Chocolate Rabbit family, Polar Bear family and Walnut Squirrel family all happily settled in the house, and this week a new-family-on-the-block moved in and we are super-excited to introduce you to them.

Meet Billy, Nancy, Mandy and Jenny...the Goat Family...
Billy is the new postman in Sylvanian Village who delivers important letters and parcels to everyone in the village. He delivers post every day and knows every single corner of Sylvanian Village. 
Nancy is good at quilting and can make anything from clothes and small items to big items such as curtains. She holds sewing classes for mothers and daughters in the village which are very fun and always popular. 
Mandy loves writing letters. She sends hand-made birthday cards to family and school friends every year. Everyone looks forward to receiving her letters because they are always filled with heart-warming messages. 
Jenny loves to sing while swinging on the swings. She likes it when her mother pushes her on the swings. She also loves swinging on the swings at the nursery, but gets a little upset when she has to let someone else take a turn.
The Goat Family is priced at £16.99
The Goat Family from Sylvanian Families
Nancy, Billy, Mandy and Jenny - the Goat Family from Sylvanian Families. 

Bert absolutely loves moving new families into his dolls house, and he plays so beautifully with both the house and its contents, as well as the little Sylvanian figures, that it is an absolute pleasure to watch him as his imagination comes alive and he moves the figures around from room to room - bathing the babies and putting them to bed etc. 

It was especially good that this new family featured a baby girl just shy of our baby girl's arrival! Perfect timing...thanks Sylvanian! 

Bert playing with his Goat Family from Sylvanian Families
Bert loving life with his new family of goats. 

The newest family from Sylvanian really doesn't disappoint - they are as cute as ever, with exquisite detail from their clothing to the cute little horns on the Daddy Goat, aptly named Billy! These robust little figures are perfect for chubby little hands to enjoy, and Bert especially loves that he can dress and undress them (what is it with kids and stripping off their toys!?) 

Sylvanian Families in Mrs Bishop's Doll's house
Beth, the baby Polar Bear girl is having a toddler tantrum - nothing new there then! 

I'm looking forward to a lovely week or so of quality time with Bert before our little bundle arrives - I'm sure we'll spend many hours with our Sylvanian Families, bringing the gorgeous characters to life and enjoying playtime with our favourite toys!

If you missed my other Sylvanian Family post (The One Where The Walnut Squirrels Come To Stay..) you can read it here

Exciting to think that the next post may well be announcing the arrival of our baby girl! 

Mrs B


Disclosure: We were sent The Goat Family from Sylvanian Families for free in exchange for this honest review, as part of our 'Friends of Sylvanian Families' partnership.