Friday, 7 November 2014

Christmas Gift Idea for Babies 9m + : Jiggle with Me Pooh from TOMY *REVIEW*

If you're looking for a fun gift to buy a baby aged 9 months or over this Christmas, then I have a fab recommendation for you…

The Jiggle with Me Pooh is priced at £32.99 from TOMY and is the perfect cause & effect toy for any Pooh loving babies out there! Simply sit him down and pat his soft head and he'll sing to you and jiggle from side to side. He yawns and sneezes, and is just a general all-round-cutey-pie! 

This toy would be so lovely for any babies at the 'sitting up but not quite getting around yet' stage as it will be easy for them to interact with, and will amuse them for ages, if Bert's reaction is anything to go by. Despite being 14.5 months and too big for this toy really, or so I thought, he loves it. He giggled at Pooh the first time he made he nosies, and enjoys being able to tap his head and make him work all by himself. 

Pooh holds his own little comfort blanket as he sings two songs. He can also interact with your baby by playing a game of musical statues - can your little one freeze when Winnie does? He is made of soft plush, so he's perfect for cuddling and contains 3 x AAA batteries which come included. 

Here's some little video clips of Pooh in action, I hope you enjoy them, and they help to give you an idea of what this lovely little chap can do!

Is your little one a Winnie the Pooh fan? 

Would they be pleased to find this under the tree on Christmas morning?

Happy Christmas shopping guys!

Mrs B 


Disclaimer: We were sent a Jiggle with Me Pooh for the purpose of this review. As ever, all words, opinions and photos are my own.