Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Top Uprades For A More Comfortable Bathroom

Many of us put a lot of time and effort into making our homes more comfortable. Usually, two rooms are the main focus of this: the bedroom and the living room. We tend to pile them high with cushions, comfortable bedding, and other soft furnishings in an effort to make them as cosy as can be. But why just focus on these two rooms when bringing the comfort factor to your home? 

The room that perhaps is used the most by you and your family alike is the bathroom, but despite this, we don't normally put much effort into making our bathrooms comfort hotspots. Doing so, however, can completely transform your bathing experience, and take your dingy bathroom from drab to fab. Here are a few upgrades you may want to consider making to make your bathroom a place of comfort.

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We're all used to getting out of the shower on a cold winter's morning, shivering as we wrap ourselves in our towel. This is unfortunately just something many of us have to deal with, especially if we need to get up early for work before the heating has even come on. But if you are still getting out of your shower into a cold bathroom even when winter has passed, you could have a problem! Bathrooms typically have small windows (which may be frosted) meaning that we don't often get a great deal of natural light in there. This can mean that our bathrooms can be dark and cold - not very nice when you've just emerged from a steaming hot shower! To solve this problem, consider installing some high quality bathroom radiators. How big you choose to go depends on the size of your bathroom, but bear in mind that you will probably only have room for one radiator in there, so make it count!

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A fan

Another thing that can make your bathroom annoyingly dingy and damp is the lack of a good ventilation system. Sure, opening the window after a shower can get the air flowing in there again, but for those occasions where you don't want to let natural air in (in winter, for example) a fan system can be your best friend. Many extractor fans are now being stylishly designed, so you don't even need to worry about them ruining the aesthetic of your fancy bathroom. Be prepared to say goodbye to damp and mold forever!

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Bath and shower mats

Even with good ventilation, a slippery floor is something nearly every
bathroom sports at some point. Usually caused by splash back from the shower, it can pose a surprisingly serious health risk. A poll of over 1800 people revealed that 19% of those asked had injured themselves slipping over in their bathroom, with many of them suffering broken bones and even concussion!! To make sure you're not walking on tenterhooks around your bathroom, line the base of your bath with a plastic mat. This will act as an anchor to stop you slipping around, and use either a wooden or fabric mat on the floor just below your shower or bath. It is much nice than stepping onto a wet floor, and the mats can add a splash of colour to your bathroom too.

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