Monday, 13 May 2013

Baby Bishop's Blanket

One of my goals for before Baby Bishop's arrival in August was to hand make some items for him/his nursery. I love to do many different crafts, and tend to be a jack of all crafts, master of none. This year I wanted to concentrate on key crafts I really enjoy and develop my skills in these areas. I also wanted to challenge myself by completing a sewing course (machine sewing), which took me far out of my comfort zone. 

Having completed the sewing course back in March making a set of lovely cushions for the nursery & a new bag for myself, my next task was to complete a knitted item for Baby Bishop. 

My set of cushions for the nursery 

I decided on a knitted striped pram blanket in colours that would match the pushchair/pram we've chosen. I used wool from the wonderful MonsterYarns . I chose a soft bulky yarn in shades of yellow, teal and forest green. Attending a fortnightly Monster-Yarns knitting club really helped me to stay focused and on-track with the project, and my wonderful friend & knitting coach Judit (from Monster Yarns) kindly finished off my blanket by crocheting the edge for me (I am yet to master crochet). 

I am really pleased with my final blanket and glad I have completed some hand made items for our little man when he comes along. There is something so satisfying about making rather than purchasing for a baby. I'm also pleased that I've gotten the cushions and blanket done in good time, so as I'm not rushing to finish them. 

 The finished blanket :-) 

I have also been working on hand making some birthday presents for friends and family this year, as one of my goals for the year is to hand make as many presents/gifts as possible. More on that in another blog post... 

Now it's back to Monday & the grim reality of work! Boooo! 

Mrs B 
