I had to share them with you as they were JUST SO GOOD.
I was lucky enough to receive a Sage Appliances by Heston Blumenthal Smart Waffle Iron for review at the end of last year, and it is one of my favourite pieces of kit in my kitchen. It makes the most awesome waffles, and the design is sleek and very high end (you can read my full review of the Sage Smart Waffle here). Up until now I've only used it to make sweet dessert waffles, and I couldn't wait to use it to make this alternative savoury waffle.
I am obsessed with sweet potatoes. In a bid to be more health conscious and eat better carbohydrates we've been trying to eat sweet potato in the place of normal potato as much as possible recently. We usually eat them baked in their skins, or made into fries using our Tefal ActiFry (which only uses half a tbsp of oil per portion), so I was intrigued to try this alternative way of cooking them...
The recipe calls for you to cook 3 small sweet potatoes in their skins using the microwave (which is so easy!) and makes this recipe a very quick one from start to finish. Using a combination of sour cream, flour, butter, spring onion, eggs and seasoning to mix up the waffles, you're left with a thick gooey batter which only took around 4 minutes to cook perfectly on our waffle iron. The result were deliciously crisp and golden waffles, with a soft and unctuous centre, and an incredible sweet/savoury balance between the caramel sweetness of the sweet potato, the heat from the onion and the creaminess of the sour cream.
The Sweet Potato waffle batter on the irons ready for baking...
Yummy golden sweet potato waffles with sour cream and spring onion
We served our waffles for dinner with baked beans and sautéed mushrooms as a 'breakfast-for-dinner' sort of meal. They would equally go well with sausages, eggs or bacon for breakfast, lunch or dinner: so they're a lovely versatile meal option. I think they stand alone perfectly as the star of the meal - Hubby didn't even notice it was a vegetarian dinner until I pointed it out to him at the end, however, if we were being a little less calorie conscious we'd have definitely added a sausage and a spot of bacon to the meal too.
Each waffle worked out at approximately 218 calories each.

What a great dinner!
Hubby and I throughly enjoyed them, and they'll definitely become a regular meal for us from now on.
A big thanks goes to Jo for such a fab recipe!
Bye for now
Mrs B