Saturday, 11 February 2012

SNORING!!!!! (*rant*)

Okay, prepare yourselves for a sleep deprived rant!

Ive travelled down to Surrey with my Mr to visit my mum, stepdad, twin sister & little brother for a long weekend. I've been looking forward to the trip for weeks, 1) because I've missed them all loads in the 6 weeks since I last saw them. 2)Because I've had such bad cabin fever being stuck in doors for 4 weeks. 3) because we have tickets on Sunday to go and see 'Over the Rainbow' (The Eva Cassidy Story) at Richmond Theatre (Richmond is one of my fave places in the world, and going to the theatre my fave thing to do = great combo!). 4) because we are also going to an amazing fish restaurant on Sunday before the show called Fishworks in Richmond, where they literally do the absolute BEST fish&chips I've ever tasted. 5) because on Monday me, my sister, my best friend Carmi, and my lovely cousins Vicky & Shai are all going to try on our wedding & bridesmaid dresses, as our actual dresses have arrived in the shop!!

SO excited, such a cool weekend, and I have (clearly & rightly so) been looking forward to it.

But I've just had the most rotten first nights sleep. Mainly due to bad back pain, which kept me up & walking around until 3:30am, and when I finally did come up to bed, still in pain but determined to try and get some sleep, all I could hear was the loudest & most dreadful snoring known to man's ear!!! And it wasn't coming from my quietly sleeping (and weirdly quiet & angelic) Mr, it was coming from my Stepdad IN THE NEXT ROOM!!

I have literally never heard another person snore like it ever!?! It literally makes the floor vibrate. And I have no idea how my poor mum has ever had a good nights sleep in the 15+ years they've been married (I don't think she probably has!) I asked her before she went to bed last night if she was used to my stepdads snoring & could block it out, as we could already hear him snoring away upstairs from the living room. Her reply?...No, she can't block it out, it drives her to distraction! :-( My poor mum!!! I think I may have committed murder by this point.

Thank god my Mr's snoring isn't as bad, and doesn't happen as often as my stepdads. I clearly have a zero tolerance rule with snoring because as soon as my Mr starts I instantly grab my pillow, my charger & my drink, and sleep in the spare room! :-) I wish there was a spare room for my mum to escape too, a sound proofed room at that!!!!

Rant over.

Luce xxxxxxx

Ps. Update from Thursday night...STAR WARS EPISODE 1 in 3D was actually fantastic!!! As much as I hate to admit it! Lol. I loved the story was funny, heart warming, exciting & fun. A really great 'family' film. Not at all boring or as geeky as I imagined, and full of actors & actresses who I love! So it was a definite hit. And my Mr was like an excited 6 yr old throughout (as expected!) ... Brilliant! :-)