Wednesday, 18 November 2015

The perfect sweet treat for Peppa fans!

We are a household devoted to Peppa Pig - Bert has absolutely adored the show since he was tiny and although we hate to admit it, Liam and I have become fond of Peppa and her friends over the past 2.5 years. We find ourself quoting the show more often than we should, in fact, I'm pretty sure my husband could make it his Mastermind specialist subject without too much revision. Ha! 

Our house is full of Peppa toys and DVDs, we visited Peppa Pig World on Bert's second birthday and tomorrow it is Liam's 31st birthday and we are taking Bert to see Peppa Pig Live: Peppa's Surprise at our local theatre. This will be the first time we've visited a Peppa Live performance and we are all pretty excited about it. There's something so magical about seeing your child's face light up when they watch a live show that totally engages them...I'm hoping that'll be the case tomorrow. Watch out on the blog for our review of the show next week...

Following on from yesterday's post about Bert's eating habits, today I thought I'd share with you a cute little video of Bert really enjoying his food. Recently, he's been enjoying these cute little Peppa Pig shaped ice cream lollies after some of his evening meals as a sweet treat. Like his Daddy, Bert will never say no to an ice cream, no matter the weather/time of year - especially if it's shaped like his favourite TV character. In fact, he likes the lollies so much that he won't even give his mummy a lick...

Haha! Cheeky Bertster! 

We got ours from our local Sainsburys store, they cost £2 for a box of 6 strawberry and vanilla ice cream lollies and best of all they have no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives in them, so you can feel fairly guilt free about giving them to your little ones. 

Lick, lick, lick! 

Bert has throughly enjoyed them and I have to say they've certainly won me round - they are small enough that I don't worry about him consuming too much sugar, they don't melt quickly like some other ice cream lollies we've tried, which makes them easy for a toddler to eat without getting completely smothered in ice cream and he clearly thinks they taste great! 

Yep, that's the whole Peppa lolly in his mouth! #piglet

We do still put a bib on Bert when he eats ice cream and yoghurt products as he is still getting to grips with how to get the majority of it in his mouth rather than down his front (as you can see from the photos). As a big foodie myself and someone who gets a huge amount of pleasure from food, it is wonderful to see Bert get so much enjoyment from his little treats. My favourite food to watch him eat is a Mr Whippy ice cream in the summer - he literally gets so excited! That's my boy! 

Happy boy with his Peppa lolly! 

Do your little ones have a favourite sweet treat? How often do you allow them to eat ice creams, sweets, chocolate, cake etc - I'd be fascinated to know. 

We are fairly relaxed about sweet treats - we allow them in moderation and as long as he has eaten some good stuff in the day as well, then we don't see the harm in these extra bits and bobs every now and then.

Mrs B 
