Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Random Acts of Kindness...

I've been meaning to blog about this for ages, and I've just been given the perfect reason to write...

I've just received a random act of kindness! :-)

This is basically a lovely gesture or gift that is totally unexpected and a surprise. This gesture is purely for the reason of passing kindness from one person/friend to another. I mentioned in an earlier blog that I'd been reading a book called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin, in this book Gretchen talks about kindness & gesture, she explores what makes her happy, and what doing lovely things for other people 'just because' can do for the soul! There is no better feeling in the world than knowing you've brightened someone else's day.

How to do a random act of kindness:

It doesn't have to be expensive, or showy, and it doesn't have to be for an occasion (all the better when it's completely random & therefore an unexpected surprise!) You could drop and run (leave it on the persons doorstep/work desk, then drive/walk away & text the person telling them there's a surprise on their doorstep/desk)...or you could post the item, if the person is long distance! Here are some lovely ideas to get your juices flowing...

-leave a box of handmade cakes or biscuits on a friends doorstep/desk
-leave bacon, eggs, a tin of beans, a loaf of bread & some real butter on a friends doorstep really early on a Saturday or Sunday morning.
-create a "box of sunshine" lots of little bright yellow gifts packaged in a yellow box with tissue paper.
-flowers & chocolates "just because"
-a great book, a bar of chocolate & a bottle of plonk!
-a box of tea bags, a fancy box/packet of biscuits & a pint of full cream milk.
-make an extra "family size" freezable dinner such as lasagne and leave it for a busy family; so someone doesn't have to cook!
-a box of someone's favourite sweets, drink & chocolate.
-a packet of microwave popcorn, with a DVD you know they'll love & a bottle of fizzy pop (instant home cinema experience).
-handwrite a letter on lovely stationary to a friend or family member you would ordinarily email or text, add photos, or some confetti into the envelope, or selotape in a tea bag, or sachet of hot choc powder and pop in the post!

You could be as imaginative as you want, you could spend a little or a lot, you could make it by hand, or just add it into your supermarket trolley.

Write a little note-let or card, and explain that it's just a random act of kindness to brighten the recipients day! I GUARANTEE you'll feel AMAZING the first time you do it. And every other time after that.

We all expect gifts & kind gestures on our birthday or at Christmas; but we don't expect it on a random Saturday, or just another Wednesday...! Spread happiness all year round. Make it spontaneous, really think about it, and pick those people who you know needs/deserves cheering up.

What a beautiful and untraditional way to show someone you love them!

Tuesday's Act of Kindness from Liz xx

Today is just another Tuesday...and at 7pm while sat in front of the TV I got a text from my lovely friend Liz (who first introduced me to "The Happiness Project" and random acts of kindness) to say there was a little gift on my doorstep! I rushed out and found a gorgeous little package...

How absolutely perfect!! Combines all my favourite things....tea, birds, the designer & paper cutter Rob Ryan & a lovely heart warming quote....


Well today, I really really do!



Love & Sparkles

