Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Lucy's Luscious Lemon Curd (too much?)

Haha - excuse the title - a WI friend Ellie suggested I should go into business selling my homemade lemon curd, and this was her idea for a name - love it!

I've had some requests to share the recipe I use for lemon curd and don't want to disappoint, so as promised, here we go.

You Will Need:

2 level tbsp cornflour
100g golden caster sugar
finely grated zest 2 large lemons
125ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
juice of one small orange
85g butter, diced
3 egg yolks and one whole egg


1. Mix the cornflour, sugar and lemon zest in a medium saucepan over a medium heat. Strain the lemon    juice through a sieve and add to the sugary mix slowly - stirring all the time.
2. Make the orange juice up to 200ml with water and strain into the pan.
3. Cook over a medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture has thickened and is smooth.
4. Once the mixture begins to bubble, remove from the heat and beat in the butter until melted.
5. Beat the egg yolks and whole egg together, stir into the pan and return to a medium heat.
6. Keep stirring vigorously for a few minutes until the mixture thickens and plops from the spoon.

You can store the lemon curd in a sterilised jar in the fridge, and enjoy on toast (my favourite!) or use as a filling for a lemon meringue pie, or lemon pavlova!

I made a fresh batch yesterday - and yes, half the jar has gone already (oh dear!)

Yummy jar of lemon curd, ready for devouring! 

Homemade meringues - for last night's dessert...

Lucy's Luscious Lemon Pavlova

Homemade giant meringue, topped with homemade lemon curd and freshly whipped cream...don't mind if I do!

Today's glorious sunshine puts me in the mood for something bright and lemony....back to the jar I go! 

Happy baking everyone, and do let me know if you try this recipe yourself! 

