Tuesday, 27 October 2015

How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning? Breakfast Eggs 3 Ways *RECIPE*

I'm a big egg eater. They are definitely one of my desert island foods. Eggs are so versatile, so good for you and super quick to cook: I'd genuinely struggle to get by in the kitchen without them. 

In a recent survey breakfast specialists MOMA FOODS (Making Oats More Awesome) asked 1000 people across the UK how they preferred their breakfast eggs cooked. I thought it would be fun to share the results with you, before sharing my own favourite way to eat them. 

The Results:

Scrambled 27.9% 
Poached 23.3% 
Fried 23.3% 
Omelette 11.7%  
Hardb­oiled 10.2% 
Baked 3.5% 

I have to say that I'm with the majority on this one - scrambled and poached eggs are by far my favourite way to eat eggs at breakfast time. There's something nostalgic and comforting about scrambled and poached eggs for me the smell of eggs poaching is so reminiscent of my childhood weekend breakfasts: still nobody poaches an egg quite like my mum! 

With all the egg-citement over eggs I thought I'd share a fun way to eat your eggs three ways for a decadent breakfast that comes in at under 500 calories per portion. 

Breakfast Eggs Three Ways: Scrambled with Spinach, Perfectly Poached and Baked Fry-Up Egg Muffins

(serves 4) takes around 25 minutes to prepare/cook
500 calories per portion 


4 eggs for poaching
3 eggs for baked muffins
3 eggs for scrambling

2 slices of bread per person, toasted & buttered (I used Danish white sliced)

two large handfuls of baby spinach for the scrambled eggs

3 pieces of bacon fried and chopped into small dice
one tomato (raw) chopped into small dice
two chestnut mushrooms chopped onto small dice and cooked with the bacon
40g grated cheddar cheese


Preheat your oven to 200℃ and generously grease a muffin tin. 

Whisk 3 eggs with a little water and salt and pepper until thoroughly combined. 

Sprinkle the cooked bacon and mushrooms, cheese, and tomato evenly into 8 muffin holes and then pour in the egg mixture until each muffin hole is full up. 

Bake in the oven for 18 minutes until risen and golden. 

While the egg muffins are cooking, boil some water in a frying pan for poaching your eggs. Add a sprinkle of salt and splash of malt vinegar to the water. 

Also heat up a little butter in another frying pan and beat the 3 eggs for scrambling until fully combined. Season and add to the frying pan with the butter in, along with the spinach. Scramble until eggs reach desired consistency. 

Pop your bread slices on to toast. 

When the muffins have three minutes left to cook crack the four remaining eggs into the poaching water and cook for the remaining three minutes until the white is cooked and the yolk is still runny.

To assemble - butter your toast. Top one slice of toast with the scrambled egg and spinach, and the other slice of toast with a poached egg. Use a silicone spatula to remove the baked egg muffins from the muffin tray and serve two muffins per person along with the eggs on toast. 


A truly decadent way to enjoy your eggs three ways! 

Breakfast Eggs 3 Ways: Scrambled with spinach, perfectly poached and baked fry-up egg muffins. 

How do you like your eggs in the morning? I'd love to know.

Mrs B 


If you'd like to find out more about MOMA FOODS you can follow them on their social media pages:

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