Monday, 6 February 2012


I've been wanting to blog about my favourite artist Anita Klein for ages. I absolutely adore her work and have done since I was a teenager. She produces beautiful images of curvy women, angels and family scenes, and I find her images so beautiful and so real - I especially love the humour and naughtiness in her images of her and her husband (Nige). I've been to one of her exhibitions, and was amazed at how even more beautiful they are in 'real life' and how colourful they are. 

You can see more of her work here...

Then on my birthday in 2010 I was lucky enough to be bought a limited edition print (My lovely Mr-to-be bought it for me, still to this day, best present ever!) called The Celebrating Angel - and I just love it! It has pride of place on my kitchen wall (my favourite room of the house!) 

Here are some of my other favourites...

 Angel of the Lemons

 The Poppies

 The Celebrating Angel

 A Cuddle With Nige

 Watching Holby City at the Hilton

 La Pioggla

 Le Foglie-Gialle

 Mother & Baby

 Nige Barges Past

 Nige Jumps in my Bath

 Nige Pours the Tea

 Phone Call in the Cup Final


 Reading by the Pool

 The Birthday

The Poppies

These are just a few of my favourites! :-) 

I now follow Anita on Twitter ( @anitakleinart ) which I'm very excited about, she tweeted a reply to me when I said how much I liked her work, and told her about my celebrating angel (I know - I'm sad!) And, she's added me to her mailing list so I can find out about new work and exhibitions etc! :-) 

I'm now loving Twitter even more! 


