Friday, 3 February 2012

Got that Friday Feeling...

I was really excited today when a parcel arrived and it was triangular in shape! BUNTING! I have found a lovely lady called Sinead McLarnon who is going to make me lots and lots (and lots!) of beautiful bunting for my wedding, and her example 5m string arrived today - I LOVE it! She has made it to such a high standard, and the fabrics are just perfect. Very very excited about decorating the barn with it for the reception, I think it will look really beautiful. 

Here it is....

You can find more of Sinead's work at

I had to walk into town today to see the osteopath re: my back, and to have my hair cut as it was getting mega-stragley and looked a mess. I'm growing it long for the wedding, so am not having it cut too often, and boy is it suffering - anyhow, had a good chop today and it feels a lot better. My hairdresser is a lovely girl called Sarah at Nicholas Anthony in town, she's fab and really friendly, and I've been going there for 7 years and never have a complaint.

Osteopath was wonderful (again - she works wonders!) and although it really hurts when she does the deep tissue stuff, it feels as though its doing good, and I certainly feel 'looser' when I come out. If anyone needs an osteo I would recommend Mackenzie at The Mews Clinc, Bedford. She has recommended that I stay off work until after half term, and although I know thats probably for the best and will mean I'm properly rested and recovered, I can't help feeling stupidly guilty, and that I should go back on Monday...! Will see how the weekend goes, and make a decision Sunday night I think. If I do decide to stay off it'll be back to the drs for me on Monday to get another note. 

As I was wandering through town today, I walked through the Arcade (the posh one!) and stopped dead outside one of the gorgeous furniture shops - I couldn't stop looking at this absolutely gorgeous furniture! I didn't dare look at the price tags!

Also while in town I got a couple of wired retro hairbands, and some red lippy to attempt this retro 50's vintage 'look' that I'm so desperate to have a go at and try to pull off. I love the look so much, and am seeing so many people look so marvellous, so I thought 'whats the harm?' ... even if I just mess about at home with the look to start with and build up my confidence. Anyhow, when I got home I had a play, and took a couple of pics to share in here...what do you think?? Honestly. 

Also in exciting news, I have booked myself onto a 4-week sewing course with the wonderful  Kitchen Table Sewing in Bedford! I'm so excited as I attended a similar one-night course in london (before I knew about KTS) before xmas and LOVED IT. I'm a total beginner, but on this course you learn the basics of using a sewing machine and you make two cushions and a bag over the 4 weeks! :-) The course cost £50 in total, and I got a £10 off voucher from Scone Roses WI :-) Its from 8-10pm on Monday nights for 4 weeks, and is held at the house of the lady who runs it (Janet). It starts at the end of Feb so no doubt I'll be blogging like mad about it. Check out Janet's awesome blog at ...

Now for a quiet Friday night in with the Mr. Am cooking a roast chicken 'Heston style' for anyone who has been watching How To Cook Like Heston on channel 4 - I'll let you know how it turns out! 

Bye for now xxxx